FittaMamma Maternity Workout Clothes
Are you intending to workout regularly during pregnancy?
Regular exercise during pregnancy is good for you and will benefit your baby too.
Here are the facts:
👍 Whether it’s at home, in a class or at the gym your pregnancy workouts will prepare you for labour, help you manage a healthy weight gain, speed up your recovery after your baby is born and help keep all those other pregnancy niggles and discomforts at bay too.
👍Working out for at least 30 minutes on five days a week will boost your mood and help you sleep. If you’ve always exercised regularly you know how valuable that ‘me’ time is.
👍 Babies born to women who exercise develop more quickly and have improved long term vascular health. Your healthy heart rate is good for your baby’s heart too!
👍 Wearing stylish and supportive maternity workout clothes will improve your confidence and motivation, as well as making your pregnancy workouts feel more comfortable.
FittaMamma maternity workout clothes have been independently tested and shown to reduce bump bounce by 48%. That’s 48% more support to keep you working out comfortably right throughout your pregnancy and after your baby is born too. Imagine your favourite sports bra for your baby bump!